4 Different Types Of Graduation Stoles

When it comes to graduation stoles, there are various types that you can purchase for your school. When purchasing graduation stoles for your school, you want to purchase a stole that will best represent your school. Here are four types of graduation stole you can purchase.

Type #1: Plain Graduation Stole

First, there is the plain graduation stole. A plain graduation stole is a kind of shaped like a tie, with a triangle shape at each end of the stole. The stole is all one solid color, usually with a shiny fabric used for the creation of the stole. They are designed to go around your shoulders and drape down both sides of your graduation gown. Stoles come in a variety of different solid colors, depending on the manufacturer you purchase the stoles from.

Type #2: V-Shaped Graduation Stole

A v-shaped graduation stole is designed to go over your head. The back of the stole is curved, with a small v forming in the back. The front of the stole hangs down the front of your graduation gown, laying flat while forming a large v shape in the front of your gown. V-shaped stoles center your attention when looking at a graduate, and it can give the graduation outfit a more regal look.

Type #3: Trimmed Graduation Stole

A trimmed graduation stole is very similar in style to a plain graduation stole. The primary difference is that a trimmed graduation stole has a trim that goes around the edge of the stole. You can order the stoles so that everyone has the same trim; this is a great design if you are using class colors. You can also use different colors on the graduation stoles to indicate different meanings, such as participating in a sport or club.

Type #4: Embroidered Stoles

You can have all three types of stoles listed above embroidered. One of the most popular things to have embroidered on graduation stoles is "The Class of ____" with the graduation year in the blank. However, you can also have other messages or symbols embroidered on the stoles, such as clubs and organizations that one participated in.

Graduation stoles dress up and personalize your graduation gown. When you order your graduation stole for your school, you can customize the stole to reflect on your school's unique character. You can even get a sample stole made to ensure you like how the stole looks.
